• Weekly or twice weekly scouting of field
• A recommendation will be provided based on information gathered
• Recommendations include: weed, insect, and disease management, and in-season monitoring of crop fertility
• Includes a pre-sampling visit with each grower to identify management zones
• Organized, methodical sampling of each farm
• Pre-season plan addressing lime, fertilizer, micronutrient, and nematode needs.
• Field boundary and soil type mapping
• Precision soil sampling by management zones
• Variable-rate lime and fertilizer application
• Yield data cleaning and analysis
• TSP Certified #03-1431
• EQIP Nutrient and Pest Management Plans for N.C. and V.A.
State Cost Share Plans:
• N.C. Ag Cost Share
• Nutrient Management - VA - DCR
• Swine Lagoon Closures Cattle
• Swine and Poultry Waste Utilization
• Municipal Sludge Utilization
• Soil fertility recommendations to landscape firms and government agencies
• Specific to the vegetation being grown and will include lime, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients